Spinner Wheel Game

Spinner Game User Manual

Spinner Game



Welcome to the Spinner Game! This game offers a fun and engaging way to test your luck. The goal is to accumulate the highest possible score by spinning the wheel. You have 10 chances to spin, and each spin will either add points to your score or apply a multiplier. Play wisely and aim for the top score!

Game Components

  • Wheel: The centerpiece of the game, the wheel, has various segments, each representing different rewards.
  • Score Display: Located at the top left, this shows your current score.
  • Chances Left: Displayed at the top right, this indicates the number of spins remaining.

How to Play

Starting the Game

The game starts automatically when you load the page. You have 10 chances to spin the wheel.

Spinning the Wheel

To spin the wheel, click on it. The wheel will rotate and stop at a random segment. Each segment on the wheel represents a different reward that affects your score.


  • Points: Most segments reward you with points (e.g., 50, 100, 500, etc.). These points are added directly to your score.
  • Multipliers:
    • x2: Doubles your current score.
    • :2: Halves your current score.
  • Penalty:
    • *: Resets your score to zero.

Tracking Progress

The number of spins remaining is shown under "Chances Left." Your current score is displayed next to "Score is."

Game Over

The game ends when you've used all 10 spins. After the final spin, your total score is displayed. The game will automatically reset after a brief pause, allowing you to play again.

Winning Tips

Aim for high-point segments early to build a strong score foundation. Be cautious with multipliers, as they can significantly alter your score. Remember that luck plays a big role—each spin is random!

Restarting the Game

Once the game ends, it will automatically reset after a brief pause, resetting your score and giving you 10 new chances to spin. It is a fun game to play when there are a group of friends to see whose luck is better and who can manage to get the highest score.

Enjoy the game and good luck!