Latex Formula Copy Paste Utility

Formula Selector

The Formula Selector Application is an interactive web-based tool that allows users to view and select various formulas in subjects like Physics, Maths, and Chemistry. The formulas are displayed in a well-formatted manner using LaTeX notation, rendered by MathJax. The user can copy the latex notation directly by clicking on the formula.

Formula Selector


The Formula Selector Application is an interactive web-based tool that allows users to view and select various formulas in subjects like Physics, Maths, and Chemistry. The formulas are displayed in a well-formatted manner using LaTeX notation, rendered by MathJax. The user can copy the latex notation directly by clicking on the formula. If you want to add any formulae which are important to the existing list mail to


- Select a subject to view relevant formulas.
- View formulas and their descriptions.
- Search by giving the keyword to go to the particular section
- Copy formulas to clipboard for easy use.

Getting Started

Step 1: Open the Application

Open the page in a web browser. The application will load and display the main interface.

Step 2:

1. Select a Subject:
   - At the top of the page, you will see a dropdown menu labeled "Select Subject."
   - Click on the dropdown menu to choose one of the available subjects: Physics, Maths, or Chemistry.

2. View Formulas:
   - Once a subject is selected, the relevant formulas for that subject will be displayed below the dropdown menu.
   - Each formula is accompanied by a brief description.
3. Search Formulae:
   - Once the formulae are displayed you can search with a keyword to go to the particular section.
4. Copy Latex notation of the formula:
   - Click on the formula that you require to copy and the latex notation will be copied to the clipboard automatically and you can paste it any location of your choice.

 User Interface

 Dropdown Menu

- Location: Top of the page
- Function: Allows you to select the subject whose formulas you want to view.
- Options: Physics, Maths, Chemistry

 Formula Display

- Location: Below the dropdown menu
- Contents: Formulas related to the selected subject, each with a description.
- Format: Formulas are displayed using LaTeX notation for clarity and accuracy.

 Search Box

Allows you to search with a keyword in the formulae.

 Example Workflow

1. Open the HTML file in your web browser.
2. Select the subject from the dropdown menu.
3. View the list of formulas that appear below the dropdown menu.
4. Read the description associated with each formula to understand its use.


- Formulas not displaying correctly: Ensure that your internet connection is active as the MathJax library is loaded from a CDN.
- Dropdown not working: Make sure JavaScript is enabled in your browser settings.

 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I copy the formulas?
A: Yes, you can manually select the formula text and copy it to the clipboard.

Q: Why are the formulas not displaying?
A: Check your internet connection to ensure that the MathJax library can be loaded from the CDN.

This user manual should help you navigate and use the Formula Selector Application effectively. If you encounter any issues, refer to the troubleshooting section or contact support for further assistance.

 Advantages of Using the Formula Selector Application

 1. Easy Access to Subject-Specific Formulas

The Formula Selector Application provides a convenient way to access and view formulas specific to Physics, Maths, and Chemistry. This organization helps users quickly find the formulas they need without sifting through unrelated content.

 2. Accurate Mathematical Notation

Formulas are displayed using LaTeX notation rendered by MathJax, ensuring that mathematical expressions are accurately and clearly presented. This is especially important for complex equations that require precise formatting.

 3. User-Friendly Interface

The application features a simple and intuitive interface:
- Dropdown Menu: Users can easily switch between subjects using a dropdown menu.
- Formula Display: Formulas and their descriptions are displayed in a clean, readable format.

 4. Educational Resource

The application serves as an excellent educational tool for students and educators:
- Learning Aid: Students can use it as a reference for studying and homework.
- Teaching Tool: Educators can use it to demonstrate and explain various formulas during lessons.

 5. Portable and Offline Usability

Since the application is an HTML file, it can be saved and used offline. This portability means users can access it without needing an internet connection, making it a reliable resource in various environments.

 6. Customizable

The application can be easily customized to include additional subjects, formulas, and descriptions. This flexibility allows it to be adapted to meet specific educational needs or preferences.

 7. Consistent Formatting

Using LaTeX ensures that all formulas are consistently formatted, making it easier for users to understand and compare different equations.

 8. Lightweight and Fast

The application is lightweight and loads quickly, even on devices with limited resources. This ensures a smooth user experience without long loading times or performance issues.

 9. Copy-Paste Functionality

Users can manually select and copy formulas to the clipboard, facilitating easy transfer of equations into other documents or applications, such as word processors, presentation software, or online platforms.

The Formula Selector Application is a versatile and valuable tool for anyone involved in education, whether as a student, teacher, or academic professional. Its ease of use, accurate notation, and adaptability make it an indispensable resource for accessing and learning various mathematical and scientific formulas.